Copyright Skye Ryan-Evans 2007
Kunga is a Rwandan name meaning "Peacemaker". The symbolism of this brand new digital painting, represents a Silver-back (mature) Mountain Gorilla befriending a Tree-Frog, thus showing that diverse species can co-exist in a friendly way. A rich African sunset over a Rwandan rainforest forms a moody backdrop.
All that is needed for the nearly extinct Mountain Gorilla's survival is for Man to respect him and to cease waging war against this rare and precious species.
(Below)Two Close-up views of this print. (Available as both ACEO and 11 x 16 inch giclee prints.)
The plight of the few remaining Mountain Gorillas in African countries like Rwanda, the Congo and Uganda has this beautiful species precariously balancing on the brink of extinction. Poaching, War and human encroachment on Gorilla habitats via farming and village expansion have decimated the population of these powerful yet innoffensive creatures. Highly intelligent and social, they are not unlike humans in their community life. They feel pain, fear, joy and love just as we do.
In our capacity as artists, the "Art for Critters" and "Art Helping Mountain Gorillas (WDGP)" groups on eBay, have dedicated our artwork to raising funds to go directly towards the protection of these incredible animals. Donations made from the sales of our work will aid the Rangers who provide a valuable protection against the activities of illegal poaching that is so common in these countries.
~Skye Ryan-Evans (rusticmooncrafts)
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