Sunday, August 19, 2007

Gravy and the Elephant by Sandy Byers

Gravy and the Elephant by Sandy Byers
11" x 14", dry pastel on Sennelier paper
The Story:

They met under the strangest of circumstances. It is not impossible. Gravy The Cat had never met an Elephant, even though he had heard from other cats what great and strong creatures they are. Being The King, Gravy felt it was important for him to meet all creatures. And so began his journey far and wide. Along the way, Gravy The Cat gave much thought to the stories he had heard about Elephants being trained by humans. Being a Cat, Gravy could not comprehend how anyone would allow himself to be trained. How then, could it be that someone so large and so strong as The Elephant would allow such a thing? This is a question that kept Gravy The Cat searching endlessly for The Elephant. Day after day he would set out in his search.

Because Gravy The Cat was relentless, and had only one thing on his mind, it is easy to understand how he was finally successful in finding The Elephant. The day was perfect. The sun shone on them as they sat for hours and talked as if they had known each other all their lives. They had A Bond. They were Friends. Now that they knew each other they both knew they would know each other Forever.

Gravy The Cat felt at ease with The Elephant and so he saw no harm in asking her what he longed to know, “Why would you allow yourself to be trained by a human?” The answer was really quite simple. The Elephant was actually the kindest animal in all the land. She allowed the human to train her because she knew how much the human wanted to think he could.

Gravy The Cat and The Elephant remained friends Forever and they shared many stories about life and the importance of liberty for all animals.

This amazing artwork and story, by artist Sandy Byers (biscuitgravy), is copyright protected and will be part of our eBay auction ~ September 8 -18, 2007

I thank her for her generousity and dedication. It truly amazes me to be in the company of these great artists with such heart! ~ Robin Andreae

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